Want to Make a Stellar “About Us” Page for Your Tech Business? (Here’s How!)

Want to Make a Stellar “About Us” Page for Your Tech Business- (Here’s How!)

When you’re creating a website for your tech business, the About Us page can be tricky. Do you keep it simple and just put up a mission statement or do you tell people your life story?

Too often, small business owners just breeze by that About page, putting more focus on their other website content. But you might be surprised at just how much weight that page can carry with a visitor.

Creating a stellar About Us page for website doesn’t have to be a head-scratcher. If you’ve got a roadmap for what to include, it can be kind of fun to put together.

Keep reading for some great About Us page tips, plus a few awesome examples to inspire you.

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How to Get Readers to Take Action on Your IT Business Website

How to Get Readers to Take Action on Your IT Business Website

When you’re creating landing pages, blogs, and other content, you generally have something in mind that you’d like your users to do. How do they know what that is?

The Call to Action!

“Click here to learn more!”, “Call to get your deal today”, “Sign up here”… these are all examples of a call to action telling the reader what you’d like them to do in relation to your content.

Knowing how to effectively use a call to action can drive more conversions and leads and make your entire marketing strategy much more effective. Not using them or using them poorly, can do just the opposite.

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What Pages Should I Include on My Tech Business Website?

What Pages Should I Include on My Tech Business Website?

When you’re first building your tech business website, that blank canvas of possibilities can be exciting, but after you’ve done a home page and contact page, where do you go from there?

Should all your services be on one page or should they each have their own? Is there some “magic” formula to the site structure that will help you get better SEO rankings?

While a website is supposed to be a unique reflection of your company and can come in all shapes and sizes, there are a few best practices when it comes to the pages you include to help you show up in local search rankings and be an effective online storefront for your visitors.

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10 Great Tips for Designing a Killer Logo for Your Tech Business

Great Tips for Designing a Killer Logo for Your Tech Business

The logo for your computer services business can be memorable or forgettable, depending upon the design. A logo is more than just something that goes on your business cards and website, it’s a symbol that represents your business and brand personality to people in a single glance.

Things like the fonts you use, colors, and style can work in your favor to immediately give a good impression of your company. They can also do the opposite if they’re not thoughtfully put together.

Need a great, killer logo to make your tech business stand out from the competition? We’ll go through several tips below to help you land on something that represents your business and is memorable to your customers.

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Secrets for Selecting (or Taking) Engaging Images for Your Tech Business Website

Secrets for Selecting (or Taking) Engaging Images for Your Tech Business Website

Let’s face it, we’re in a visually driven world. Use a grainy or boring image on your landing page and people will click away fast. Use a stunning photo, and you could triple your leads.

People remember 80% of what they see, but only 20% of what they read. So, it’s your images that are doing the heavy lifting when people visit your tech business website.

If you’ve ever struggled with finding good photos to use or taking decent marketing pictures yourself, we’ve got several secrets that can help you do both, and make your website, social media posts, eBooks and other content stand out.

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Optimize Your IT Site’s Landing Pages Like A Pro with These Best Practices

Optimize Your IT Site’s Landing Pages Like A Pro with These Best Practices

You’ve invested time and money to generate website traffic, but your leads are still only trickling in… the problem may be that your landing pages aren’t compelling website visitors to stick around or engage with your IT business.

The first page someone lands on when they’re driven to your website by pay-per-click ads, social media, or referrals is the most important. It’s got to grab them if you want to capture them as a lead.

If your landing pages aren’t properly optimized, that means you’re losing potential leads and sales and your ROI on marketing time and dollars won’t be very good. But if you follow some of the best practices for optimizing your landing pages, you can improve that ROI and get more business out of the traffic you’ve generated.

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Learn the Secrets of Technical SEO for a Great-Ranking & Resilient IT Business Website

Learn the Secrets of Technical SEO for a Great-Ranking & Resilient IT Business Website

Most IT website owners know all about SEO and optimize their websites with great content accordingly. But do you know what “technical” SEO is?

If not, you could be missing out on an important ranking factor that creates SERP resiliency throughout your website, even during those Google algorithm changes.

SEO is the oil that keeps your marketing engine running smoothly. But for it to work properly and give you the results you’re looking for in the search rankings, you have to go behind the scenes of your site and think about more than just content.

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7 Brilliant Ways to Use eBooks to Capture & Retain Customers for Your Tech Business

7 Brilliant Ways to Use eBooks to Capture & Retain Customers for Your Tech Business

The blogs, videos, and other content that you put out about your business are the fuel that keeps your marketing engine running. When it comes to eBooks, they’re like a high-octane injection that can get you out in front of your competition fast.

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Pro Tips for Using Structured Data to Boost Your Tech Site SEO

Google is continually evolving their search experience which keeps things interesting for us website owners trying to keep our pages ranked well. But while some changes create headaches, others offer excellent opportunities to capture more attention for your webpages.

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Amplify Your IT Business Marketing Like a Champ by Unifying Online & Offline Strategies

Amplify Your IT Business Marketing Like a Champ by Unifying Online & Offline StrategiesThe average IT business owner has multiple options in their marketing toolbox for getting their message out. There’s social media, online advertising, local radio, postcard mailers, and so on. But often these strategies are done in silos without any real integration, which can lead to missed sales opportunities.

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