Don’t Miss These 7 Marketing Podcasts to Grow Your MSP Business in 2021

Don’t Miss These 7 Marketing Podcasts to Grow Your MSP Business in 2021

Have you found yourself struggling to come up with fresh, innovative marketing ideas in the new year? If so, you wouldn’t be alone. Many IT business owners are just trying to make it through to some semblance of “normal.”

One place you can find a weekly injection of great ideas coming to you in stereo is through a podcast app. Podcasts have become all the rage now and you can find one for just about everything, including marketing for your MSP business.

If you’ve been looking for some easy-to-digest marketing tips, we’ve got a listing below of some of the best marketing podcasts to subscribe to give you fresh fuel for your marketing engine.

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How Can My MSP Business Get More Leads & Subscribers from YouTube?

If video isn’t included in your content marketing mix, then you’re missing a big opportunity to drive more leads and sales.

More U.S. adults use YouTube (73%) than even use Facebook (69%), yet many MSP businesses aren’t sure how to get subscribers and leads using a YouTube video channel.

Cracking the code on using video marketing to your advantage just takes using some best practices and committing to consistency. Once you get going on YouTube, you’ll be surprised at how fast it can become a solid lead generation channel for your business.

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Tips for Making Video Promotion Impactful & Engaging for Your IT Business

Video MarketingEveryone is buzzing about video these days, and it’s because video has evolved to become a vital tool in every company’s marketing plan. Simply adding a video to an email boosts click-through rates by 200-300% and having one on your homepage can increase conversion rates by 20% or more.

In this digital age, people like to watch videos and can take in much more information from a few minutes of well-designed video footage than they can trying to read through several pages of text.

If you’re like many IT business owners, you’ve probably been working videos into your mix of marketing activities. But you might not know the best practices you should be following to get the most out of your efforts and create a video that engages and converts the viewers.

Are you fully utilizing the description area in YouTube? Are you ending with a splash screen with your website address, but no call to action?

Before you upload your next promotional video, you’ll want to take a look through our tips of the best practices to help generate a successful video marketing campaign.

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