What IT Business Emails Should Be In a 5-day Email Welcome Sequence?

What IT Business Emails Should Be In a 5-day Email Welcome Sequence?One engagement opportunity that many IT business owners miss is the email welcome sequence. This is a series of emails that go out automatically right after someone has signed up for a newsletter or downloaded a lead magnet.

Touching base with people who have just visited your site and given you their email address can improve your lead conversion rate because you’re striking while the iron is hot.

What should you send and when? We’ll go through our suggested 5-day email welcome sequence below to give you a blueprint you can use for your own marketing.

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Tips for Putting Out an Engaging IT Business Newsletter in Less Time

Tips for Putting Out an Engaging IT Business Newsletter in Less Time

Newsletters are an effective way to nurture new leads and to encourage repeat sales from existing customers. But many MSPs just can’t find the time to put them out regularly.

They might start off with a bang, putting out three newsletters in a row, but then either lack the time or the content ideas to keep them going consistently. Thus, they miss out on the benefits that a regular newsletter can bring.

Do you want to put out a monthly email newsletter, but aren’t sure how you’ll find the time or content? We’ve got several tips below that can optimize your process, so you won’t dread when “newsletter time” rolls around each month.

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Reel in More Sales Using These Popular Lead Magnets on Your MSP Site

Reel in More Sales Using These Popular Lead Magnets on Your MSP Site

Lead generation is one of those vital activities that can be “feast or famine.” While some weeks you have more leads than you know what to do with, others go by with zero leads, and it seems like your website has dropped off the face of the earth.

One way to kickstart your marketing efforts and drive more leads is through lead magnets. They’re called “magnets” for a reason! They’re designed to reel people in by giving them a shiny object so you can then add those leads to your sales funnel to convert them.

There are several types of lead magnets you can use to attract different target audiences. I’ll go through some of the most popular below and give you actionable ideas you can use on your own site to supercharge your sales.

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8 Best MSP Website Elements for Converting Visitors to Clients

8 Best MSP Website Elements for Converting Visitors to Clients

The most successful business websites are those that act as 24/7 digital salespeople. They’re informative, engaging, and help make the case for your products or services.

Putting up a great MSP site means more than getting pages, navigation, and content posted online. You have to have the right mix of elements to make a great first impression because it’s often the thing that’s going to determine whether all your hard work and marketing dollars are going to convert to revenue.

Is your digital salesperson falling down on the job? Learn how to boost your website’s appeal to visitors and increase your conversion rate by adding a few helpful pieces that it may be missing.

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Use This Genius Marketing Tactic to Keep Your MSP Business Leads Interested

Use This Genius Marketing Tactic to Keep Your MSP Business Leads Interested

Once you get a lead on your email list, how do you keep them interested throughout the buying cycle? A lot of time and money goes into lead generation, and if you end up losing people before they make a purchase it can feel like it’s wasted.

To keep leads interested in what you have to offer, you need to show them that a relationship with your company is valuable to them.

There’s one ingenious way to do this that you’re probably not using. It doesn’t cost you more than a little time and can both help you keep leads from falling out of your MSP sales funnel and improve customer retention.

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What’s the Most Successful Way to Market Co-Managed IT Business Services?

One of the more difficult pitches for an MSP to give a company is that they should use an outside IT person even if they have an in-house team. Co-managed, IT can be a great partnership, but how do you get that across?

IT co-management can be a win-win for you and your client if you can convince them to spend a little more on their technology than they already are.

Using some smart marketing that highlights the cost-saving benefits can help you win over some larger corporate clients and gain you more co-managed customers.

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Increase Your Revenue by Adding a Training Service to Your IT Business

Increase Your Revenue by Adding a Training Service to Your IT Business

Providing IT support and managed services is a competitive field. One way to make yourself stand out and increase revenue is to offer services your competitors don’t.

One of the obvious services that most MSPs are already well-suited to provide is training. Corporate training for cybersecurity, new software, and technology enablement is something most companies are looking for at some point.

By putting together a training services offering with the right marketing, you can drive a healthy new revenue channel for your IT business.

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Which Page Timings Are Vital to Optimize on My MSP Site?

Which Page Timings Are Vital to Optimize on My MSP Site?

A slow-loading site can ruin your chance of converting the visitors you’re driving to your website with SEO and paid ads. Just a second too long to load a page or menu, and a person is long gone.

We’ve become an impatient society and one that goes online via mobile devices just as much if not more than PCs. Which further necessitates the need for sites to be fast.

If you’ve been in the dark about page timings, we’ll shed some light on the topic to help you understand exactly where to go to speed up your MSP site and improve conversions.

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If You Don’t Understand CTR, Your IT Business Ads Could Be Headed for Disaster

If You Don’t Understand CTR, Your IT Business Ads Could Be Headed for Disaster

There are several important metrics to take in when doing content marketing, and one of the most important for your paid ads is click-through rate (CTR). If you don’t fully understand how to read this, your efforts could be doomed.

Not reading your CTR properly or paying attention to it at all can lead you to pay way too much for visitors to your website. It can also cause you to spin your wheels and never gain any real traction from your pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

Have you wanted to get a better handle on what CTR is and how to apply it to make good marketing decisions? Read on for a full breakdown of the click-through rate and how to use it!

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What Is Bounce Rate & How Can It Impact My IT Business Bottom Line?

What Is Bounce Rate & How Can It Impact My IT Business Bottom Line?

When you’re taking a look at your website stats, the number of visitors you get is just one part of the equation. You also have to look at how many people leave without even contacting you.

If your visitor count is high but your bounce rate is high too, you could be getting a false picture. You may think that a new landing page or other marketing initiatives are working when they are actually missing the mark.

Bounce rate is one of the key analytics that you need to monitor when reviewing your website data. We’ll go through what it is and potential causes that can be addressed to give you a better chance at lead generation.

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