What Pages Should I Include on My Tech Business Website?

What Pages Should I Include on My Tech Business Website?

When you’re first building your tech business website, that blank canvas of possibilities can be exciting, but after you’ve done a home page and contact page, where do you go from there?

Should all your services be on one page or should they each have their own? Is there some “magic” formula to the site structure that will help you get better SEO rankings?

While a website is supposed to be a unique reflection of your company and can come in all shapes and sizes, there are a few best practices when it comes to the pages you include to help you show up in local search rankings and be an effective online storefront for your visitors.

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10 Great Tips for Designing a Killer Logo for Your Tech Business

Great Tips for Designing a Killer Logo for Your Tech Business

The logo for your computer services business can be memorable or forgettable, depending upon the design. A logo is more than just something that goes on your business cards and website, it’s a symbol that represents your business and brand personality to people in a single glance.

Things like the fonts you use, colors, and style can work in your favor to immediately give a good impression of your company. They can also do the opposite if they’re not thoughtfully put together.

Need a great, killer logo to make your tech business stand out from the competition? We’ll go through several tips below to help you land on something that represents your business and is memorable to your customers.

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Why is Branding So Important for Your IT Business Site?

Why is Branding So Important for Your IT Business Site?Branding is one of those terms that’s tossed about in marketing conversations, but not everyone truly understands what it means. It’s more than just a logo and the colors scheme you use. Branding is about helping your potential clients know what to expect from your tech business.

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